Tuesday, March 22, 2022

     I just stumbled across my blog as I was reading a post on another blog.  Wow!  It has been some time since I was here.  As I reread my previous posts, I was taken back to the time, circumstances, and insights I experienced.  I also realized that blogging is both a challenge and a gift.  It requires openness and transparency and objectivity that we don't always want to engage.  Revealing my heart to myself can be a greater challenge than revealing it to anyone else.  My understanding of Who God Is and who we are because of Him has changed and expanded over and over again.  My sudden "insights" have stretched me, confronted me, challenged me and released me from my prison of manufactured religion (of my own making).  We humans are tribal in nature and tend to gravitate to those who think and believe the way that we do, and then we convince ourselves that our tribe has the corner on God, how to worship Him, know Him, and follow Him.  One day I suddenly "realized" that God is NOT tribal - isn't that amazing!!!  We live and move and have our being IN HIM - all of us!  

     I would like to be able to say that I have arrived, but I know better than that now.  We are never in a place of stasis.  Even when we are not aware of it, we are constantly changing, evolving, growing, stretching.  The "truth" we are so strident about today may be the one that someday down the line, we are shaking our heads and wondering how we could have ever believed that!  I am grateful to our Heavenly Father that He never leaves us alone, never lets us stagnate, never lets us rest in our incompleteness.  That restlessness I feel inside is evidence that I still have a distance to go to reach the shores of Home.  When we see Him we shall be like Him, and His promise is that He will complete the work that He began in us.  Every day we are one step closer!!