Saturday, February 28, 2009

Every Life Has Value

In the last couple of days I've been thinking about God's perspective on the value of a "single solitary life." When we've heard or read those words, they were always used in reference to the life of Christ, or some heroic individual who gave their lives, their fortunes, and their passion to change the world around them. History abounds with such figures. We, in turn, are all enjoined and prodded to "make our lives count" for God. We talk about "service" and being "good servants of God." Our lives are to be about service, first and foremost.

As right sounding as this mindset is, it's still based upon the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and will still kill us all dead as a doornail. Instead of performance-based value, what if the value of a life depended upon the One Who valued it? What if the value of any life, irrespective of any form of productivity, had value just because it existed and was created by the One Who gave it value? What if this life was all about Him, and not us? What if God really meant it when He said that He sent Jesus to be the Saviour of the world, and not just the success stories? What if, God really loved us all?

Thursday, February 26, 2009

More on the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil

Gratis to Joseph Prince for this insight: The fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil wasn't just evil - it was both good and evil. Here it is - good will kill you just as quick as evil! There is no Life in knowing good or in knowing evil. We want Life. We need Life.

You can find Jospeh Prince at He is an excellent teacher. You can also find him on Daystar, TBN, USA and Family Channel. He teaches radical grace - something we all need to hear a lot more than we do.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Problem of Suffering

I keep coming back to this topic, far more than I would like. My back and hips are aching like crazy. Only prayer, time and the chiropractor can help right now. One question that always comes up when I'm in pain - how much is this is my fault, and how much is just the human condition? Why does that matter, really? Will it mitigate the pain by knowing? Will it help in anyway? If I determine that somehow my suffering is my fault, will that cause me to be at peace about it? Am I just trying to be in control, when God is the only One in control?

I think of other friends who are suffering, far worse than me - or maybe, just differently than me. Only God knows. Only He can heal us and restore us. I cry out to Him for all of us, whatever our source of pain, for relief and restoration. If you are suffering right now, just know that somehow this fits into His plan for you, and one day, He will heal you. God bless you, my friend!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Longing for Home

Here I am again, 3 a.m. and wide awake. A good time for clarity of thought. Last night I was on the phone with a friend, talking about the struggle of life. She said, "There's really nothing wrong - everything is okay, but . . . nothing is okay." I understand those feelings - a general discontentment without being able to pinpoint anything specific. We all have those times, don't we? Times of restlessness, times of wanting more, or wanting less.

In a moment of insight, I think, I said that the real problem is that we were never intended to be content with this life. We were made for another place, we were made for the perfection of God's presence. God has put eternity in our hearts. Hebrews 11 tells us about people who had their sights on another city, a far better place. They never found it in this life. We will never find our home here either. Our hearts, our spirits, our longings, all belong to another place. We are just traveling through. Maybe it helps to know that we are not alone in that struggle to live in the here and now. One day, though, our faith will become sight.

The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil

I was thinking this morning about how much we all are controlled by that first fateful bite. As you may recall, there were two trees in the garden of Eden - the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. As you also know, the latter tree was the subject of God's prohibition. They could eat all they wanted of the Tree of Life, but avoid the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil at all costs, or die. Wow! I would have cut a wide birth, wouldn't you? At least, I think I would have. Who knows for sure?

Anyway, biblical teachers tend to focus on the death sentence of the fall to the exclusion of other foci. What about this - what about the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil would bring death to mankind? Think about it . . . I'll wait . . . .

The knowledge of good and evil seems like a good thing, doesn't it? Shouldn't we focus on being good and not evil, and knowing the difference? How else will we know how to live? And yet, God said that that knowledge would bring death to us, each and every one. Knowing life brings life - knowing good and evil brings death. What does it mean to know Life? Jesus said that He was the Life, the Way and the Truth.

I find myself too easily grading life, grading others, grading myself according to that good and evil tree. Every single time it brings forth death, and only death. When I extend life, love and grace, it always brings forth the good fruit of Life.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

New Beginnings

Here we go . . . . My first adventure in blogging. It's funny, isn't it - how words skip away when you think you have so much to say! (Smile!)

We're all on a journey - a journey to Home - that place for which we all have an irrepressible longing. There are many different paths and each of us has our own story. Through this venue, I hope to share, and have you share, our respective journeys to Home and to Him. God is my Home. He is my journey as well. There have been many revelations and bumps in the road, and times of searching and draught. However, no matter what comes in my path, with each step, I am closer to Home.